Friday, May 27, 2011

Not Mona, but still hot

Unfortunately, my plans to travel to the desert island Mona were sucked into a bureaucratic black hole and I wasn’t allowed to go, despite having all of the permits and permissions, etc. But have no fear, the science continues!! Yesterday I traveled to the Bosque Seco (dry forest) region on the south coast of Puerto Rico and collected two new species to run, Anolis poncensis and Anolis cooki. Staying in relatively cool northern Puerto Rico, I forgot how hot the dry forest gets. Luckily I had my new Kmart straw hat with teal trim to keep me cool. This versatile little number allows you to go straight from a hard day of field work to your favorite denture outlet or nursing home without having to change. I’m almost glad I forgot my field hat at home.

1 comment:

  1. If you shaved that beard, it might help with the heat. Sorry to hear that Mona didn't work out, but hopefully sometime in the near future you can fly on over. Good luck with cooki and poncensis!
