Today was our last day at Snake Cay. In a nutshell, Team Chipojo had a great time and a productive field season. A preliminary glance at the data set demonstrates, that in a relatively short period of time, the behavior of A. sagrei has changed dramatically in response to the presence of curly tails. Some of the most striking changes include; shift in habitat use, foraging behavior and perch selection. On a lighter note, Barbarita left today, she is looking forward to her next stop, a few weeks doing more behavioral research with anoles in Puerto Rico. I will venture to say, that she has finally seen the light, and I am looking forward to follow her development as a Behavioral Ecologist. Last but not least, El Chivo is beginning graduate school on August 2009, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I can say without hesitation, that I would not like to be the field assistant trying to fill his shoes next year. Those are some VERY BIG shoes.